One of my clients has a couple of sites with a QNAP NAS device at each that they use as file servers. These QNAPs have a built in "backup" facility that you can use to automate copying the data from one device to another.
Why did I put backup in quotes? Because, this is not really backup, it is
replication which is not the same thing at all.
To illustrate the difference, imagine you have a spreadsheet say, with important financial data in. One day, one of your staff deletes a large chunk of the contents of this spreadsheet and saves the file. A couple of days later you realise this and go to your backup to get an older version of the file from before the data was removed...
If all you have is a replica of the current files then you are properly stuffed.
Now this didn't actually happen to my client luckily but when I realised what the situation was (I had inherited the environment...) I knew I had to do something about it.
After much research I found there was no simple way to do this, but thanks to one article I found, and a lot of hard work on my part, I managed to piece together a full solution for automated daily backups (with reporting) using rsnapshot which I thought I would share in the hopes that it might help someone else out.
Many thanks go to where I found most of the ground work for this. This article builds upon that one, detailing how to fix a few problems I encountered with these specific QNAPs, and also extends it to produce automated reporting on the success of the backups
Installation of Packages
Log on to the web interface of the QNAP
- Go to Applications… QPKG Plugins
- Click GET QPKG
- If this fails – “Sorry, QPKG information is not available”
- Check DNS servers have been configured correctly under System Administration… Network
- If still not working, try downloading the package from somewhere else and copying to the NAS as this is very internet speed dependent and prone to timing out.
- Select the Optware IPKG and download the appropriate package
- For the QNAP-TS410 devices this is the ARM (x10/x12/x19 series) for TS-419P
- IPKG just allows to install a much wider range of packages onto the QNAP
- Extract the zip file to get a .qpkg file then click on INSTALLATION
- Browse to the qpkg file and click INSTALL
- If this fails then use scp to copy the qpkg file to the NAS and then install from the command line using
sh Optware0.99.163_arm-x19.qpkg
and this will show you more information about why it has failed
- If you get an error saying:
“Optware 0.99.163 installation failed. /share/MD0_DATA/optware existed. Please remove it first.”
Then type the following command and try the install again:
rm –rf /share/MD0_DATA/.qpkg/Optware
- Once installation is successful, go to QPKG INSTALLED
- Click on Optware and click ENABLE
- Use putty (or whatever) to connect via SSH to the QNAP
- Run the following commands to install the necessary packages
/opt/bin/ipkg update
(there will be some errors here but ignore them)
/opt/bin/ipkg install rsnapshot
/opt/bin/ipkg install nano
Rsnapshot Configuration
Configuration of rsnapshot is managed by editing the
file /opt/etc/rsnapshot.conf
Initially this needs to be set up with the
location on the file system to store the snapshots and a list of folders to be
backed up.
Note that for remote backups the data is pulled
from the server to be backed up NOT pushed to the backup server as you might expect.
To set the snapshot folder location, edit
and change:
snapshot_root /opt/var/rsnapshot
snapshot_root /share/MD0_DATA/rsnapshot
Exclude any rsnapshot backups and other data you do not want backed up by adding the following:
exclude /share/MD0_DATA/rsnapshot
exclude /share/MD0_DATA/Backup
exclude /share/MD0_DATA/Qdownload
exclude /share/MD0_DATA/Qmultimedia
exclude /share/MD0_DATA/Qrecordings
exclude /share/MD0_DATA/Qusb
exclude /share/MD0_DATA/Qweb
Change the intervals to keep however many backups you want (rsnapshot is very efficient at not duplicating data so I configure it for 3650 daily backups, or ten years’ worth) by setting the BACKUP INTERVALS section as follows:
#interval hourly 6
interval daily 3650
#interval weekly 4
#interval monthly 12
Comment out the default backup sets by putting a
hash in front of these lines in the BACKUP POINTS / SCRIPTS section
#backup /etc/ localhost/
#backup /opt/etc/ localhost/
Add the following line to carry out the actual backup:
backup admin@<site1_ip_address>:/share/MD0_DATA/ <site1>
NOTE: The fields in this file must be separated by
tabs, not spaces
After making any changes to the rsnapshot.conf,
run the following command to make sure that everything is OK
Setting Up SSH Keys
In order for the scheduled backups to be able to
access the remote NAS device we need to set up SSH keys – this will allow the
backup server to present a certificate to the remote server for authentication.
First copy the key from the backup server to the
source server:
ssh admin@<site1_ip_address> "echo `cat ~/.ssh/` >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"
NOTE: the above command is all one line
Accept the authenticity of the host if prompted
and then enter the admin password when prompted
Next set the permissions on the configuration file
and add this to the autorun to ensure it is preserved following a reboot.
Login to the source NAS (Site 1) and enter the
following commands:
Add these three lines to the file and save it:
mount –t ext2 /dev/mtdblock5 /tmp/config
chown admin.administrators /mnt/HDA_ROOT/.config
umount /tmp/config
Scheduling Rsnapshot
Cron is used to schedule the actual snapshots. To configure this edit /etc/config/crontab so
that it has the following rsnapshot entries:
0 23 * * *
/opt/bin/rsnapshot daily
After making any changes to this file, make sure
to run the following command to ensure the changes are preserved if the NAS is
Email Configuration
To set up the NAS for email, use the QNAP web
administration page and go to System Administration… Notification… and enter
the settings for your mail server:
You can send a test message from the ALERT
NOTIFICATION tab to check this is working.
Setting Up Monitoring
The rsnapshot log file is stored here: /opt/var/log/rsnapshot
For automated alerting, create the following
script, and then schedule it through crontab (make sure this script is stored
under /share/MD0_DATA/… as files stored in /root for example, get removed on
system reboot.)
subject="Site 1 Backup Report"
function log {
/bin/echo "[`date +%d/%b/%Y:%H:%M:%S`] $*\n" >> $log
if grep -q "rm -f /opt/var/run/" $log
if grep -q ERROR: $log
# The following lines safely kill the backup to stop it
# impacting performance during the day
# comment them out if you do not want this to happen
log "Backup window exceeded, terminating processes"
snapPID=`ps -ef | grep "/opt/bin/perl -w /opt/bin/rsnapshot daily" | awk '{print $1}'`
rsyncPID=`ps -ef | grep "/opt/bin/rsync -a --delete --numeric-ids" | awk '{print $1}'`
log "rsnapshot pid = $snapPID"
log "rsync pid = $rsyncPID"
log “Killing rsnapshot process”
kill $snapPID
log "Sleeping for 5 minutes to wait for rsnapshot to exit"
sleep 300
log “Killing rsync processes”
kill $rsyncPID
echo To: $recipient > $tmpfile
echo From: $sender >> $tmpfile
echo Subject: $subject - BACKUP $status >> $tmpfile
echo "Disk space used by backups: $(rsnapshot du | grep total)" >> $tmpfile
echo "Most recent backup sizes: " >> $tmpfile
echo "$(du -sh /share/MD0_DATA/rsnapshot/daily.0/*)" >> $tmpfile
echo "Backup Log:" >> $tmpfile
cat $tmpfile $log | /mnt/ext/usr/sbin/ssmtp -v $recipient
rm $log
rm $tmpfile
NOTE: lines in bold have been wrapped in this document
– they must be all on one line in the actual script.
Make the script executable by typing the following
chmod +x
Then schedule the script to run each morning by
adding the following lines to the crontab:
0 7 * * * /share/MD0_DATA/rsnapshot/
Restoring Data
Use the following command to show all the backups
and when they completed:
[~] # ls -Ahlt
drwxr-xr-x 3
admin administ 4.0k Jul 10 23:21 daily.0/
drwxr-xr-x 3
admin administ 4.0k Jul
9 23:40 daily.1/
drwxr-xr-x 3
admin administ 4.0k Jul
8 23:41 daily.2/
drwxr-xr-x 3 admin
administ 4.0k Jul 7 23:37 daily.3/
drwxr-xr-x 3
admin administ 4.0k Jul
6 23:29 daily.4/
drwxr-xr-x 3
admin administ 4.0k Jul
5 23:27 daily.5/
drwxr-xr-x 3
admin administ 4.0k Jul
5 04:59 daily.6/
In each of the daily folders there is a
subdirectory for each server it has backed up and below that is a full replica
of that server’s data.
Restoring files is simply done using the scp command on the backup NAS which has
the following syntax:
scp <source_file> <site1_ip_address>:<destination>
If the source file/path has spaces in then enclose
the full path in quotes.
So, to restore the file expenses.xls in
the Contractors share from the 7th July, use this command:
scp “/share/MD0_DATA/rsnapshot/daily.2/<site1>/share/MD0_DATA/Contractors/expenses.xls” <site1_ip_address>:/share/MD0_DATA/Contractors
above command is all one line.
Dealing With Overrunning Backups
If backups over run into the day this could affect
performance of the NAS and internet access. This is particularly likely when the system is first setup as there may be a lot of data to transfer. Once the initial transfer has taken place only changes are sent so the backup is much quicker.
The script automatically detects this and stops the backup running, but if you need to do it manually at another time then perform the following steps:
To check if a backup is still running, SSH to the
NAS and type the following commands:
[~] # ps aux | grep rs
31897 admin
3256 S /opt/bin/perl -w
/opt/bin/rsnapshot daily
32219 admin
2140 S /opt/bin/rsync -a
--delete --numeric-ids
32220 admin
4748 S /opt/bin/ssh -l admin
32301 admin
1932 S /opt/bin/rsync -a
--delete --numeric-ids
If this shows any rsync or rsnapshot processes
then the backup is still running. To
stop the backup kill the processes in this order:
–w /opt/bin/rsnapshot daily
To do this, use the command “kill” followed by the
PID (process identifier) – this is the first number in the output of the ps
command. So for the example above, to
stop the backup, issue these commands.
kill 31897
ps aux |
grep rs
Wait for the rsnapshot daily process to exit –
this may take a while so periodically run the ps command again to check if it
is still there. Once it has finished,
then kill the first rsync process (this will stop the others as well)
kill 32219
NOTE: Use the correct PIDs, don’t just copy the
ones here !!!
If you kill the rsync process first then rsnapshot
notices this and rolls back the snapshot that was in progress deleting all the
data. Any previous days’ data is still
there but if the backup was overrunning then you do not want to have to start
copying the new data all over again – by doing it this way round the backup can
pick up where it left off next time.